Spices of Heaven

Food made from Heaven

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Snow Ice @ 100 Yen shop

Was stopping by for some stuff at Uptown that day...
My sis recommend me to have Snow Ice....
I settled with the green tea flavour...
Tasted weird though.

[caption id="attachment_682" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Green Tea Snow Ice"][/caption]

But mango is good. Try this out!

$ - RM 4.90

Wondermilk, Uptown

Was hanging out with my sister and her boyfriend on one fine Sunday...
Her hunk want to find a place to tint his car's windows...
So we ended up in Uptown.

I did went to Wondermilk before, but I didn't manage to sit and enjoy as I was picking up cupcakes for my boss before.

So least I got to enjoyed it with my sister and her hunk!
It was quite expensive for ONE cupcake though (I can eat 1 bowl of noodle with that price)
However, just an experience.

[caption id="attachment_670" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Cuppy Cakes"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_673" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Wall"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_674" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Interior"][/caption]
I enjoyed looking over the lomography section and pictures though :P

Nice place to "yamcha" but not to spend on the cupcake THOUGH it's nice!

$ - RM20

Price Range: RM 2 - *depends what you getting there*
Good For : LEPAK!
Bad For: Very expensive little cupcake!

Vote: 3.8/5

Restaurant One Noodle, Desapark City @ Kepong

Where can we go.... when we bringing our furkids along?

I lurve to bring Jayden to Desapark for an evening walk (if no rain and I'm not lazy)
Around the area, there's few restaurants around.

Earlier on, I was not sure whether is it pets' friendly despite the whole park is pets' playground....
Till this time...
I went there again with my partner, Jayden n Jacy.

We settled down ourselves with Restaurant One Noodle...
There's few more restaurants that we could see other pet's owners hanging out with their pets and friends!

So, with budget saving (other restaurant kind of more to drinking/HALAL steamboat...)
We ordered some food...
Sorry, I can't recall the name of the items...
The food taste good though : )

[caption id="attachment_666" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Stir fried noodle with sauce"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_665" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Golden Fried Rice"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_663" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Si Chuen Ramen"][/caption]

I had the Lemon Honey something...
It's so so so sourish (I lurve sour, but this sour way too acidic sourish!)
[caption id="attachment_664" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Drinks"][/caption]

Well, this would be our dinner place with our furkids for now.

$- RM 45

Price Range: RM5 - RM 20/30
Good For : A place to hangout with pets and friends!
Bad For : The PRICE!

Vote: 4/5

Kissaten, IOI Boulevard

I was at IOI Boulevard few months ago....
Was supposed to hang out with my ex-colleagues...
Due to it was packed cos of event@function...
I head over with my Ms N to Kissaten.

It's pretty cosy restaurant but due to I was having Jayden with me that day...
We ought to sit outside.

She told me that the food here it's nice...
Well, checked the menu...
Quite lot of varieties...
And I believe it's same company with LAM-MEE-YA....

[caption id="attachment_659" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Cutleries"]Cutleries[/caption]

After consideration...
We ordered, an appetizer, our main courses.

This is a superb appetizer!
[caption id="attachment_655" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Salmon salad"][/caption]
Served with plum sauce (I think) rather than those normal thousand island.

Ms.N had grilled salmon due to she tempted to had one.
[caption id="attachment_656" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Grilled Salmon"][/caption]
It's good to eat with rice though! Hah!

I settled with my ginger pork which served with miso soup, salad, that steam egg (not sure how to address it)
[caption id="attachment_657" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Ginger Pork Set"][/caption]
It's worth to eat!
I had extra rice for it though :P

I ordered sandwich for Jayden, but it's way too vege....
[caption id="attachment_658" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Vegetarian Sandwich"][/caption]
I only take the toasted bread if I could :P

It was a full fine brunch!
Despite I don't like to go Puchong....
If there's a chance, I would dine in again!

$ - RM86

Good For - Nice fine lunch/dinner (seat indoor if can :P)
Bad For - It will be quite pricey

Vote: 4/5

Farmland Porridge Steamboat, Jalan Pudu

Went to this restaurant few months ago (yes I know I did not update my blog...)
Since I like steamboat (and also porridge)...
My friend recommend us to try this place out.

It's located at Jalan Pudu (sort of nearby that Sek Yuan Restaurant)

This is what they use to make the steamboat...
Claypot on stove!
Claypot Boat maybe? No worries, it won't break into 2 no matter how hot it is...
Good quality?

This is the set that my friend ordered...
If I'm not wrong, it's about RM30-32?
It's quite pricey for this though.

The Set (RM30+)

This is a MUST HAVE item...
The meat is so juicy and soft!

Pork Fillet
Seriously, I like this!

Also must HAVE, PORK BALL!

Pork Ball

My steamboat will not complete without the pork on the table (yes, I might sound inhuman.... : ( )
Without them, I will fall sick (this is my myth)

All chuck in and boil!

Boiling Boiling~~~

Kindly be alert, and do stir it often as it will burn the porridge!

This is the condiment that must have to enjoy the meal....

Fried Onion with oil and chili... great combination!

Fried onion with oil (seriously it's nice) and the chili and the sweet sour sauce (I think)
It's superb!

Ahhh..... my food!

Yummy Yummy!

Perfect dinner.

However, despite with my yummy saying...
It's quite pricey for us (this is the first time I had porridge steamboat)
My partner don't really enjoy this cos she doesn't like porridge, for me it's A O'right!

$-RM120 (4pax)

Price Range: RM5-40
Good For: Cold night (and porridge lover cum steamboat!)
Bad for: Quite pricey

Vote: 4/5